Scheda: 116027


A medieval fighting book from the fifteenth century on the Longsword, Falchion, Dagger, and Wrestling.

Paladin Press, Boulder, 2002

ARMI ARTE ZABINSKI Grzegorz Paladin Press, Boulder, 2002 ZABINSKI Grzegorz CODEX WALLERSTEIN. 2002
99,90 €
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In-4 (cm. 29), cartonato editoriale, pp. 379, con illustrazioni in bianco e nero. Testo in lingua inglese.In ottimo stato (nice copy).The Codex Wallerstein is one of the best known of the late medieval fencing treatises still in existence. Though perhaps not as widely known as Talhoffer 1467 or Flos Duellatorum, it is just as important to students of the Western martial arts. Originally written in Middle High German during the late 14th and early 15th centuries, the Codex Wallerstein has long been available to scholars in microfilm format from Augusburg University. Now with the publication of this book, the text and drawings are available to scholars and martial artists in the original Middle High German, as well as in Modern German and English translations. The translations were provided by Grzegorz Zabinski, with assistance from Bartlomiej Walczak, two of the most esteemed interpreters of medieval combat in the world. The codex offers a series of fundamental counters to common attacks, using the longsword, falchion and dagger, as well as the complete system of wrestling techniques. In this work the reader will find a great deal of instruction on thrusting at or closing in against an opponent, expanding Master Johannes Liechtenauer's art of longsword combat. For martial artists, medievalists, historians or anyone with an interest in historical arms or self-defense, Codex Wallerstein is sure to become an invaluable reference.